Before I go into my Sunday Share...
and one of my favoritest people in the world
has added the
So you can buy them there also!!
Hey there and Happy Sunday!!
When we first moved out here to Heaven...
I mean Deale
I noticed pretty much everyone has bird feeders,
quite highly sophisticated bird feeders I might add
well, I'm cheap for starters, and when I first started looking I couldn't find the highly sophisticated birdfeeders
(i.e. I looked in one place and all
they had were these bell shaped feeder things for like 2 bucks)
I'm nothing if not resourceful, (and a lazy shopper)
So I bought a few of them, thinking I'd have enough to feed the neighborhood and enjoy my new hobby of birdwatching on our deck with my morning coffee.
I put one out, and after a day or two the little birdies started showing up
all cute and tweety, pecking little seeds off the bell
on the third day, I went out on the deck to have my morning coffee
and the feeder was completely gone,
I mean, no trace of it left.
I was gloating to myself,
I don't need any fancy birdfeeders..the birds like our house better,
look at that they ate it all already
So I put out another one, and this time it disappeared much more quickly,
like less than 12 hours...
ok, so at this point I'm pointing fingers at my husband and the teenager
Very Funny guys,
no way they ate it that fast...
So I put out the third one, in the afternoon
a couple hours go by and Rob goes over to the window and laughs
"Mystery Solved"
I look out the window and see this little bird feeder thief
was not much smaller that this,
he picked it up by the plastic piece on the bottom and took off with it.
Wish I caught that picture,
but he figured out the dogs were watching him
and he took off faster than I could snap it.
So we are now the proud owners of one of those highly sophisticated bird feeders, complete with the squirrel feeder on top,
and the fattest squirrel in Maryland.
I snapped these couple photos on Father's Day, we went out to Linner
(yes I meant Linner = lunch+dinner) with some friends of ours.

Wish I caught that picture,
but he figured out the dogs were watching him
and he took off faster than I could snap it.
So we are now the proud owners of one of those highly sophisticated bird feeders, complete with the squirrel feeder on top,
and the fattest squirrel in Maryland.
I snapped these couple photos on Father's Day, we went out to Linner
(yes I meant Linner = lunch+dinner) with some friends of ours.
I know I'm a little subjective..:)
One of the coolest little local shops ever,
Cottage Chicks is selling some of my wares,
cards, bookmarks, the little birdhouses, and some framed art pieces
which just tickles me to death...
Here are a couple of the pieces I made for the store
haha...loved this post...clever squirrel...thanks for sharing the've got a great lookin' family! Congrats on selling your oh-so-magnificent goods!!!!
Things seem to be going well for you in the craft area and if getting your kits in EAD...SWEET. You so deserve it. I'm so glad you found out what was happening to your bird feeder. I guess that's why everyone has the higher up one. LOL I'm like you...I start out cheap, but usually have to upgrade. :) Your family is so cute. I really enjoyed your post. not a goddess.
Thanks for sharing your new little friend. He is super cute.
♥ the frame and birdhouse.
Cute cute projects! I love them and all the pics!
I'm so excited for you getting to sell your stuff at various places. Movin' on up in the world girl!!!
LOVING that cute birdhouse with the buttons---adorable idea!
LOL! those squirrels can be VERY tricky! That is too funny! Looks like you had a fab Father's Day!
I love the Momisms plaque! Absolutely too cute!
TFS, Amy! :D
I loved that! What a smart squirrel! Thanks for sharing. I think that will make me smile all day!
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