It's adhesive, I can't get enough of it, I seem to have the overwhelming need to try every kind there is and I am overflowing with refills, this is just what I keep within arms reach, you should see what's in my closet. I mean it's glue for criminy's sake, what the hell is wrong with me??
I really, really love Xyron. Which is one of the reasons I became and instructor with I Remember When... (they have a partnership with Xyron) I signed on with them about a year and a half ago as a hobbyist, really just to get a discout on scrapbooking products, and so I could horde more adhesive. If anything ever needs stuck to something else, I'm pretty sure I have the right glue. Anyway back to IRW, they are a relatively small direct sale company, comparable to CM or CTMH just not as big. They are still fairly inexpensive to become involved with and are not as strict as the other companies about using "only" their products which I really like and they have very low minimums. The idea is that you'll host crops, have people host parties, and vendor at different venues....and I guess I'm here babbling about it because they recently "split" us up into two groups Business Builders and hobbyists. I went ahead with the BB program, (it's really based on how much you order)...and have just not figured out where to go with it problem is that I'm not much of a salesperson, I always feel like I might be being pushy...I mean my gosh even here it's taken me this long to just spit it there it is...if you are at all interested you can go to the website above to view the catalogs and contact me if you wish to place an order or would like any further info....there I don't know why that is so hard....
here is what was in the big box of goodies I got from them today
Thickers from American Crafts, Doodlebug paperfrills, sugarcoating (very fine glitter in yummy colors), sugarcoated chipboard letters, rubons and paper from Daisy D's, paper from WeRMemory Keepers, Fancy Pants Designs, and Creative Imaginations, Chipboard from scenic route and more, more, more...I'm so bummed I have to work tomorrow, but I hope to be able to dig into this stuff starting Friday, since I have a long weekend... and I think I am now officially on a scrapbook shopping diet until I go on my pre-retreat shopping spree for the crop weekend retreat I have coming up at the end of January...who am I kidding...this is why I can't be trusted with a credit card
This is my little scrappy buddy she likes to sit on my lap when I'm creating stuff...she also likes to climb all over Winnie when I'm trying to type so if I missed any typos, it's her fault...
good night and take care!!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
I'm pretty sure I have a problem, maybe 2, okay a few
Posted by
8:04 PM
Labels: I Remember When, Memories, papercrafting, puppies, scrapbooking
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
strange things make me laugh
So I'm going to share some of them with you....
...have you ever just spent some time looking at some of the videos on you tube...I could get totally lost there if I let myself...there are some very talented people out there with waaaay too much time on their hands...but I'm glad they do because when I need a little pick me up it's a fun place to go....
I got started tonight because Annie is coming to town, and me having two boys of course NO ONE wants to go see it with me...I loved Annie as a little girl, we sang "maybe", and "tomorrow" in choir in middle school....anyway I was trying to explain it to Britain and found this
"I don't Need Anything But you" Britain and I were sooo cracking up...I so get these women...I could so see Steph (my sister in spirit who has left me and moved to Japan) and I doing that...if we had a video camera, and lived in the same country...Steph I sooo miss you....
ok and this is a long one, but it gets me every corny I know...I warned you
and if you've been reading my blog lately you know about my obsession with Will Ferrell
a word from our sponsor
and that's all I've got for you tonight... I am going to read ( I have some serious catching up to do) and go to bed....
Posted by
9:02 PM
Labels: ELF, papercrafting, parenting, scrapbooking
Monday, November 26, 2007
fun little projects...
I have a fun little project for you today...
First go to the $1 section at your target and get one of these cute little calendars...
You might as well stop by electronics, the scrapbooking section, the grocery aisle, toy department and housewares since you're already there and spend $100 even though you went there to get one item for $1.00... at least that's what I did...
next gather some scraps...
I used my leftovers from a layout I did
last night since they were still on my table,
I used a "only use it if it's in plain sight" rule...
trim paper to match the cover
and embellish as desired ...
and Voila your 2008 purse calendar....
I made this one for me, but I'm going to have the boys make them for their teachers itty bitty buckets for Christmas...more on the buckets later since they aren't done yet...This project took about 10 minutes
this would make a great homemade gift for anyone and the the great thing is you can do it with stuff you already have
and here's what I did with the "teeny weeny album" from 7gypsies...
this will be my Dad's Christmas present...everyone..except for the boys are getting handmade presents this year and believe me if I could figure out how to make my own Xbox 360 or Darth Vader/Death Star Transformer, I would....
and here is my layout for Lain's 30-minute Thursday challenge...
the challenge was to do a layout using numbers...these are the lyrics from the begginning of Seasons of Love, from Rent...I have always wanted to used these lyrics in a layout...
Again, I used a bunch of scraps here, and I didn't sew, even though it looks like I did, these are pre sewn mats from Chatterbox...
I work for the next 3 days, so I don't know if I'll be here tomorrow, but Wed is a short day so I hope to be here then...until then everybody have a great night!!
Posted by
5:47 PM
Labels: Easy Christmas Projects, Gifts, papercrafting, scrapbooking
Sunday, November 25, 2007
I may have over shot a little
I do that a lot..I had that big old list of things that I was going to get done today that I have not finished...but that is ok...
I did get the grocery shopping done, then got home and had to clean up around the house...the never ending pile of laundry, help with homework and I took the boys to see "Enchanted"...I am so in love with that movie...very cute and totally disney...I really think I need the soundtrack...Landon liked it, I think Britain is afraid he'll lose cool points if he admits he liked it.
Right now they are all upstairs watching The Matix, and yes I know they should be in bed because it's back to the real world in the am but, I am enjoying a little peace and quiet and country music from "various female artists" on which is really cool by the way and free if you want to check it out...speaking of country music by the way...On December 4th Craig Morgan is coming to Scott Air Force Base for a Free Concert....!!! But that's not even the coolest part....the coolest part is that my friend Tonia and I volunteered to work with the USO (along with about 100 other volunteers) stuffing care packages to send over to the troops, and Craig I think, will be joining us, and then we're going to have a barbeque, and then the concert....I am so excited for all of it!!
and now the little bit of cropping that I actually got done today....
first Creative Prompt #8 from Christi this is where the sewing on my list from yesterday comes in...I don't know how to thread it yet (it came that way) I just added the batteries and channeled my inner Mrs. Denton (my 8th grade home ec teacher) and this is what happened...and there's a scrap of fabric on there too...For the title I tried something new...I used the negatives of a chipboard punchout for the letters as a stencil and then colored them in and outlined them...I think it turned out cute...and it was easy...
Now next I have my layout for pencil lines sketch #60 but it was also it was also inspired by Christi's prompt #9....
The colors were inspired by Christi's prompt
but the design was inpired by the pencil lines sketch...This is my senior picture, I had been wanting to use these rub-ons from Daisy D's for a long time they were just waiting for the right project...the paper and stickers is mod designs by Autumn Leaves from Target...I love this collection....
soooo tomorrow, christmas cards, send off the rebates for Winnie (my laptop I thought she should have a cute name) and Wilbur (the new printer), fold laundry, maybe learn to sew more than a straight line, craftiness, and whatever else I need to get done...the rest of the week I have to work so I doubt I'll get much of anything done...till tomorrow....
Posted by
9:55 PM
Labels: Craig Morgan, papercrafting, parenting, photography, scrapbooking
Saturday, November 24, 2007
what will I do?
With all this cool stuff?
I worked a long day today and was in need of some retail therapy after work....I promised you a picture of something...and while I haven't actually done anything with it yet, I'm waiting for inspiration to strike...On Wednesday I hit my LSS the Scrapbook Factory because I needed to get the new lace cardstock by KI Memories, I only got two pieces, I was very proud of myself... and tonight after work I went to Joann Fabrics because I wanted to get some cheap fabric to practice with my new very cheap sewing machine...I haven't been in a fabric store since I was in home ec class in high school...this may be one of my new favorite places to go for inspiration...I'll call it fabric therapy....
so tonight I'm going to sketch out some plans for layouts or projects...tomorrow, somewhere in between grocery shopping (by far my least favorite chore) and getting Christmas cards signed and addressed, I hope to teach myself to sew, get some layouts done, play with felt, and finish up some of the Christmas gifts I'm working on....oh and read some of Plain Truth by Jodi which is already shaping up to be another book that I'm going to love although it's already getting under my much for my nice little comfortable life of reading cheesy romance novels...
Right now, I'm going to sit back with my new laptop and catch up on what everyone's been up to on their blogs...thanks for stopping by!
Posted by
8:18 PM
Friday, November 23, 2007
The truth is
I'm exhausted...completely, absolutely, stick a fork in me done, exhausted....
we had a wonderful Thanksgiving, just the four of us. I still cooked a huge dinner, because hey, it's all about the leftovers... and we stayed in our pajamas all was great...then I got up at 2am this morning to go to the BX, yes I am one of those crazy people who get in line in the cold to take advantage of black friday sales....and as a result I am coming to you live from my new laptop (my early Christmas present) ...I also got a new printer, and a sewing machine (one of those small easy to use shark ones) for $10 at target...because I want to learn to sew.... don't worry the boys made out pretty good too, I think I have them just about done...yay!! I hope after work tomorrow to get some cropping done since I'm off Sunday and monday hopefully get my Christmas cards out and get at least some of the rest of my presents poor husband got his flu shot on Wednesday and must be one of those exceptions to the rule, he has been sick in bed since yesterday...either that or he was getting the flu sorry I haven't been around, but I hope to be back tomorrow hopefully with some pictures of something...take care
Posted by
7:31 PM
Monday, November 19, 2007
I'm just a little upset right now...
with Jodi Picoult who wrote this book...I finished it today and well...ok have you ever read a book or seen a movie that just "HAUNTS" you? A good example for me I think would be "Schindler's List" or "Saving Private Ryan"...This book kept me up the past two nights, I cried, I was scared, I was angry... Jodi has this incredible ability to paint a story, I really felt like I was there....and just when I thought I was at peace with how it was going to end, I mean Iknew it would be sad but I didn't expect to be blown over with was completely unexpected...It I think would be impossible to read this book and not put yourself in Sara's place...I can't get it out of my head and yet I want to tell everyone to read it because it was so good...I can't wait to get my hands on everything else she's written...especially "The Plain Truth" for Lain's book club...I devour books...sometimes I read them too fast like I found myself doing with this one, so I made myself take more time... If you haven't read it go get it, because it's going to be a movie by next year...really I just read on Jodi's website that Cameron Diaz is going to play Sara, and the Fanning sisters are playing Kate and go read it.....
Landon stayed home from school today he's got that nasty respiratory bug that seems to be going around, while we watched a Star Wars marathon, I got some cropping done...hey I can multi task...
I made this Star Album...another thing I've been wanting to try...I wanted to do something Christmasy so I turned it into a sort of story about decorating for Christmas and what signficance some of decorations have to my hallmark snowman collection, and the musical frosty that was made for me when I was 2...
it's kind of hard to tell from the pics but when you open it up and tie the front and back covers together it's in the shape of a star....
Then I did this layout for pencil lines this week sketch #59
I just got back from getting my eyebrows waxed, so I look really surprised right now...the girl who did it (I'm sorry I don't know her name I go where I sometimes get my nails done and it's always someone different) anyway she did an awesome job, but she kept asking me if I wanted my chin done well not really my chin just under my lower lip...wth? is this some kind of reverse mustache? when did I get hair under my bottom lip? so as soon as I got home I ran into the bathroom, and there it is...are you kidding me? like I don't have enough things to wax already....
Posted by
8:28 PM
Labels: Jodi Piccoult, My Sister's Keeper, papercrafting, parenting, photography, scrapbooking
Sunday, November 18, 2007
An amazing thing happened today...
well maybe two amazing things...
first I made a sort of Memorial album not too long ago of my Grandmother who died back in May for my Dad...well he recieved it today, actually yesterday but didn't see it until today...he called me at about 8am and was so thrilled with it I think he was actually a little teary...we've never been close, my Dad and me, as a matter of fact this was the first time I can remember doing something to make him that's still giving me butterflies...
next I did a page where I sewed...nothing too fancy I just used embroidery thread, and to be honest, I don't know how much more I'll be doing it as I think it is a pain in the ass...but I wanted to give it a try...unfortunately for me...I really like the way it I'll probably be trying to do it more, and will therefore probably be incorporating more swear words into my scrapbooking....
Here is the result it is the page for this weeks OLW challenge...word is "FULL"
Journaling "Ferraro's Family Resturaunt, my Dad's place- I practically grew up here behind the counter. Boxing up baked goods for customers before I could even see over the counter. This place is what comes to my mind when I think of home, in the "back home" sense. The place no one ever leaves hungry. The place I know I'm always welcome to pull up a chair or put on an apron"
I also finally did my layout for Lain's 30 minute thursday...yes I know it's sunday but I think we have all week as long as it's a 30 minute layout...well this one I think only took me like 15 so I hope it still counts....her challenge this week was to use a preprinted embellishment...well I had this paper from 7 gypsies not exactly an embellishment but I used it that way....hmmmm...does that count..?
Then I made this explosion box...I have been wanting to try this for a while, it was so much easier than I thought it would be and it turned out so cute, I'm going to make these for all the grandparents....we have 4 sets...for christmas....
I made a trip to the library yesterday hoping to get the book "Plain Truth" by Jodi Piccoult for Lain's book club...they didn't have it so I went on the waiting list...I think they'll get it in time...anyway I was curious about her writing style so I got "My Sister's Keeper" and it it soooooooooo very thought provoking...I usually read romance/romantic suspense type books (I actually joke with my friends that I don't like to read a book that doesn't have any sex in it) so this is very different for me.....but I was up until 1am reading it and will probably end up finishing it tonight so I can't wait to go get my hands on everything else she's written...apparently I've been living under a reading rock though because that was the only book available at the library everything else was checked out.....
I am really looking forward to Thanksgiving and day after shopping this week....
that's it for tonight...have a great Monday....
Posted by
8:16 PM
Labels: Jodi Piccoult, papercrafting, photography, scrapbooking, sewing
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
I am pink...
I was getting tired of the dark background, so I switched to pink...don't know if I like this either but for now it will's much more cheerful...
I did not create anything today...yet...I'm itchy though
I did not cook, I did not craft...I did go to work though and
I have been reading blogs...I thought I would post some fun places to go to find inspiration, laughs and well whatever tickles you...if you go to any of these places will you leave them a comment (if it's a blog) that you linked from here? Just trying to see if anyone comes back....
ok so
First Lain at Scraphappy...she's in my blogroll but I'm linking her here for emphasis...her blog is so fun...listen to her podcasts no you don't need an IPOD I thought you did, so I was missing out for awhile...
Next Stephanie at Homegrown Hospitality, she has a magazine out and her doodles are amazing she bakes like crazy and is just such a neat me you'll like her
Kim at Today's Creative Blog...Kim features a Blog everyday to go visit where you are surely to lose yourself in inspiration and creativity, plus she's totally witty and fun
Christi at Altered Ambitions is a fellow Air Force wife and scrappy girl extrordinaire...she has a separate area on her blog with Creative Prompts, she posts them every Monday and Thursday and then you can leave her a comment with a link to your project...very fun and a great way to get your creative juices flowing...
Need some inspiration?? go to Pencil Lines where they have a new sketch up every week and you can email your project to them for their reader gallery...Lots of inspiration here as they have all their old sketches plus artwork on there too...
Valerie also has lots of sketches and beautiful artwork at got sketch from her design team..
Every Month there's a challenge at 123 challenge where their team pick 3 page elements from which you create a layout, mine is in the post below....
Aussie's Scrapjacked hijacks an artists layout (with their permission) for you to scaplift...way fun..
Writer's of the books Journal Revolution and Visual Chronicles Linda and Karen blog here and I just love reading them...if you don't have their books you need to get them...
This girl knows where the papercrafting deals are and helps you find them, not to mention loads of other fun finds in her flea market section...and love her have got to see those
OLW...One Little Word...that's all it is every other Wednesday they post a word and you create whatever the word inspires you to
and Janine at angelic ramblings is simply angelic and has lots of fun stuff to look at and just well eye candy...
That's it for blogs...
Want to save money? check out these couponing/refunding sites...the art of couponing and I mean "really" couponing can be very fruitful if you learn the basics...
a few other fun places to go...
find you are drawn to certain colors...there might be a reason go here to find fun I am ribbon red
inexpensive blank calendars, board books, notebooks even game boards...
That's all I have right now...but it should keep you pretty busy...maybe I should do this every week....hmmmm
have a great night !
Posted by
7:12 PM
Labels: blogging, couponing, inspiration, links, papercrafting, scrapbooking
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
no movie review
1. journal on photo
2. no cardstock (pattern paper only)
3. handmade embellishment

Posted by
8:02 PM
Monday, November 12, 2007
our carpet is clean...
Posted by
10:22 PM
Labels: papercrafting, puppies, scrapbooking
Sunday, November 11, 2007
In the company of heroes...
Rob and I had the Honor of attending the USO's "Salute to Heroes" dinner last night at The Plaza Hilton in St Louis. Rob along with several others were honored with awards for "Exceptional Achievment and Extraordinary contribution".
First off, hats off to the USO for all that they've done and have been doing. I have been looking for a long time for a place to donate my time and I think I have finally found it. I was never aware that the USO runs almost completely on volunteers. They have a "home away from home" so to speak right here at Lambert field airport where service members on layovers waiting to get home or waiting to deploy or just waiting can put up their feet, take a nap with a goose down comforter, a shower with toiletries donated from area hotels, make a free phone call anywhere in the world courtesy of verizon, and get served snacks and beverages from area also have a mobile USO van that goes to mass deployments to serve service members and family members coming home or waiting to deploy...they can make pizza on the van how cool is that...I'm getting off track here
I was humbled to the point of tears by the experience of being in the company of the servicemen being honored last night, all of whom had their own story of heroism or exemplary service.
This was a fundraiser for the USO, so area companies or private donors sponsored tables which allowed the military honorees and their guests to come to the event at no cost. Rob and I sat with some amazing people. Millenium Communications CEO sponsored our table, Barb (CEO) walked into a USO Sept 12, 2001 wanting to help in some way. Six years later, she's on the board and still serves coffee every week at the USO at the airport and has been known to go to deployments at 3 am just to send our troops off knowing that they are supported...and she actually said she was honored to sit with us....see I'm crying again....
Rob and I have been so very fortunate. In the past several years he has not had to deploy, (he has been an ALS Flight Chief and before that taught at the NCO Academy) . This was his last week and he has gone back to a deployable position. I know he wants to go, not because he wants to leave us, but I think because he feels he needs to go. There is also, a certain amount of guilt I think, for me, as well as him to have watched so many of our friends have to go...
We have never been to an event (and Rob has been in for 23 years) where we felt so appreciated, supported,
A very cool lady named Ann sat by me last night, I'm not sure if she works for Barb, or with her or is just a friend...anyway something she said resonated with me and I really wish it would be a position most would take...
she said "I don't care who you are, democrat or republican, whether you love Bush or hate him, when our troops go you get your ass behind them! Support them!" (I got the impression Ann wasn't someone to ever mince words, my kind of woman!)
Here are the 2 pictures that actually turned out, but I am not going to be bummed...there were photographers there so I'm thinking we'll get more...
Yes, that is a real live American Bald Eagle, and again with the tears already, I can't even begin to tell you how amazing it was to be that close to one. When he flapped his wings it created a breeze you could feel all over the hall...
The entertainment for the evening were these amazing ladies "American Belles" they travel all over singing...think Bob Hope with the Andrews Sisters...They were amazing....
If you are interested in volunteering click here USO
ps...Rob was honored for his ALS (Airman Leadership School) being chosen for The Best ALS in AMC by earning the "Spirit of Excellence" Award all 3 years he's been there and earning Best ALS Flight Chief Air Force Wide for 2006, and for AMC for this year.
have a nice night....
Thursday, November 8, 2007
I never know what to put up here...

Posted by
4:53 PM
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Moving Day
Posted by
5:00 PM
Monday, November 5, 2007
Busy Weekend
Usually the words “productive” and “weekend” are never used together in one of my sentences because I spend most weekends carting the kids from one event to the next…we did have a little of that but I also got some projects done…yipee!! First I’ve had these “Sotero” cards from Creative Imaginations staring at me for awhile and just couldn’t figure out what I wanted to do with them…I’m often inspired by music, even if the lyrics don’t actually show up anywhere in a project or layout, I guess just the music itself will evoke a memory which leads to inspiration for a layout or project….whew I’m long worded today…this is what I made
The paper is Cosmo Cricket, I also used 7 gypsy card stickers, rub ons from scenic route and the little jouraling tickets are from Jenni Bowlin’s line, I found her line at a LSS in Nashville, I’m loving her stuff…I’m pretty happy with how it turned out…
Today was a nice relaxing day, Rob and the kids watched football and I made Rob’s favorite dinner which is leg of lamb, brussels, roasted potatoes and yorkshire pudding…I know what you might be thinking from looking at his picture, yes he’s mexican, LOL, but his mom is from England and that’s where he was born because his Dad is retired Air Force…Hence the favorite dinner….After 13 years of marriage I finally got it right…
and last I had my boys home all weekend other that the various above mentioned sporting events, which was so nice and we hung out and watched movies and got sick from Halloween candy it was great…and I caught this picture of Landon just relaxing by the front door with the dogs…
Posted by
4:39 PM
Labels: papercrafting, photography, scrapbooking
Sunday, November 4, 2007
well I have been a psychoscrapper today!! I completed 3 challenges and here they are…
First I completed the OLW challenge for the word “Delight”

I used Bazzill Cardstock, Karen Foster Pattern Paper and Rubons, Kurio Chipboard letters, Arrows are CTMH road Signs Acrylic Stamp Set.
I should have been working on my Christmas Cards, I’m participating in a swap and I haven’t even started….It seems like when I have something I need to work on I get all this creative energy to do stuff completely unrelated to what I am supposed to be doing…maybe if I focus on making Christmas Cookies, then I’ll think of what I want to do for my cards….hmmmm.
I have a few other things I’ve been working on but I haven’t finished yet, I plan to do a lot of creating this weekend…
Now I want to share a recipe with you that I promise you will love…this came from my friend Stephanie, who got it from a friend and so on…I don’t really know who the original credit goes to except that somewhere along the line I heard it was a recipe of Paula Deen’s ok so anyway this is so so yummy and perfect for this fall weather weekend…
1 lb of ground beef
1lb of ground turkey sausage
1 chopped onion
1 can of corn
1 can of rotel
1 can of diced tomatoes
1 can of kidney beans
1 can of black beans
1 can of pinto beans
1 can of diced olives ( I hate olives but I love them in this soup)
1 can of chopped green chiles
1 packet of taco seasoning
1 packet of hidden valley ranch dry dressing (trust me)
cook meat with chopped onion
dump all cans DO NOT DRAIN into pot with cooked meat and onion
add seasoning packets
cook on stovetop until done…(the longer it cooks the better it tastes)
serve with tortilla chips, cheese and sour cream…
I promised you some pictures from our lunch date at Hidden Lake Winery so here they are…. I love fall, I love wine and most of all I love this man
Posted by
4:25 PM