Hello and Happy Halloween… I’m getting right down to business here because we’re getting ready to go beg for candy…LOL..
here is my layout for Christy’s Creative Prompts #3
whew I didn’t think I was going to get it done in time for #4 it’s been a hectic week….
I used Bazzill Cardstock, Felt shapes from American Crafts, French Twist transparent die cut border from Rhonna Farrer, buttons from walmart, and Rock Star chipboard letters from DCWV…
Here is what I made for teacher gifts this year should have posted this earlier but I just made them yesterday…I got everything from the 1$ section at Target, except for the Happy Halloween pp and ribbon, that was from Michael’s…
They turned out pretty cute I think…I filled them with pencils, bubbles, m&ms and sticky notes….
along with my waiting until the last minute theme last night we were busy doing this…
I give myself points though for dressing for the occasion…Today we rob and I went out to lunch alone at a winery ….it was soooo nice will share some pics tomorrow when I have time
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Trick or Treat
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2:08 PM
Monday, October 29, 2007
What a Ride!!!
First off let me say thank you so much to Rhonna Farrer, we returned from our trip to Nashville to find this waiting for me….
1. Feeling like you’re in a botanical garden but being under a glass roof…
2. about 20 resturaunts to choose from
3. amazing food…omigosh..almost as good as you know what
4.going for a boat ride without ever leaving the resort
5. the water/laser light/fountain show
6.”Divine” the living vine show
7. Incredibly nice people and service
8. shops, shops, shops
9.eating lunch at The Aquarium and underwater themed resturaunt with a stingray petting pool and aquariums everywhere
10. getting to go to a show at “The Grand Ole Opry” and see Vince Gill sing “Go Rest High on That Mountain” literally brought tears to my eyes….
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2:00 PM
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Introducing Colton and Camden

Last night, our doorbell rang and there was no one there being that this is a spoooky time of year I opened the door to find…this filled with candy…WE’VE BEEN BOOED…in a good way…how cute so the boys are right now fixing up a bag to “return the boo” or “pass the boo on” to someone else….go boo someone…it’s really fun…
I haven’t been getting any scrapping done the past few days I’ve been getting ready for our trip to Nashville to the Grand Ole Opry… this weekend so I won’t be back until sunday, and then I hope to have some cool pictures for you…We’re so excited!!!
Please keep Southern California on your mind, in your hearts and in your prayers. I can’t imagine how scary and heart wrenching it must be to be in their situation right now…
That’s it! Have a great weekend everybody! Take Care!
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1:51 PM
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Up to the Challenge?
Ok so I’ve missed a few days here, I had a stomach bug which wasn’t much fun…but it’s over now and that’s that…
sooooooo… buttons in your underwear…as my friend deb used to say
I’m trying some new things…the 21 day challenge has inspired me to try some other challenges…
first here is the OLW(One Little Word) challenge for the week, the challenge word is “Believe” this was so much fun I believe I’ll have to make time to do this more often!ok that was corny I know…
I used Bo Bunny pp, Bazzill cardstock, My Acrylix stamps CTMH, and hemp CTMH, and brads CTMH… I don’t know who the chipboard letters are by sorry I can’t find the box…font for journaling is MS Word Batik..
and then I went over to Christi’s blog and she posted some inspiration to challenge us as well so I made this journal for a friend of mine who is addicted to making lists and I missed her birthday…so I really owe her one…
Those are her initials…my friend stephanie, not Christi…silly
I do not have a lot of money to invest in my own studio, or scrap room or whatever you want to call it…I am however blessed to have a corner of our den which my dh also calls his sport room LOL…anyway I had been looking for a way to organize better because what I’ve basically been working out of up until last night amounted to cardboard boxes underneath my table and I’d have to walk across the room to my “scrap closet” whenever I needed anthing… I still have the closet full too but at least I was able to organize it better…so I discovered these wire cubes from target which were on sale this past week for …are you sitting down…$12.00…I bought 2 sets they each make 6 cubes that measure 14×14x14 and they are super sturdy and I just love the way it worked out have a lookie!!
that’s what I’ve been up to all weekend…Landon had a friend over last night for his birthday so we were all up pretty late…We all feel probably you guys too that we have been celebrating his birthday forever… but we’re done now… oh and we got a new refrigerator and range delivered yesterday…we needed new appliances so bad and now our kitchen looks so much better…
poor britain has to go to the dentist tomorrow to have a tooth “rebuilt” that cracked and broke a few weeks ago…my legacy to my children very soft teeth…bummer…
we watched “The Invisible” last night it was a pretty good movie…It is such a beautiful fall day I think we’re going to grill tonight for dinner…and I leave you with this
now can you look at that and not say awwww!
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1:50 PM
Thursday, October 18, 2007
and the winner is...
yay! Janine I’ll be sending you an email for your address…thanks to everyone for entering…
more tomorrow
have a nice night!
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1:48 PM
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
I’m showing you this layout because I feel like a princess today…I can’t believe that I won the big box of goodies from Rhonna’s challenge…Rhonna thank you so so much…for the opportunity, the inspiration and now the goodies coming my way…yummy!
anyway I did this layout a while back using bazzill cardstock and CTMH My Acrylix, and a tranparency frame by MME…and some bling..can’t forget the bling…this is a halloween picture of me when I was 9..I don’t have very many pictures of myself when I was little because our basement flooded and ruined most of our family pictures several years ago. This was an Ali Edwards challenge a while back about scrapbooking your own story…
Actually I’m being cheap because I worked today and have to again tomorrow so I haven’t had time to create anything…
I will draw a winner tomorrow night for my contest so there is still time to enter!!!
I will post the winner here and notify that person also by email…the question is…
What is your favorite movie of all time?
leave me a comment and someone is going to win….something cute and free…yay!
don’t forget to watch Bionic Woman tonight at 8pm central time on cbs…it’s always fun to watch a show where a girl kicks butt…!!
till tomorrow…
Posted by
1:47 PM
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Enter my contest!
ok first off, I’m offering to give something away…it’s super cute…not big…but cute…and I’m starting to get a complex…so someone please enter my contest- see my entry from yesterday…(not you Janine…I got your entry…THANKS!!)
I am not a great cook, probably not even a good one, my usual rule is 5 ingredients or less… but there are a few things I make that my kids really love…like spaghetti…this is no major secret here…but here it what I use Spicy red pepper Classico…I also add crushed red pepper…we like it SPICY….I also use 1/2 ground beef and 1/2 ground turkey…I do that with most things that I use ground beef for…and fresh garlic….I serve it with Caesar Salad and Garlic bread…and altogether it takes less than 30 minutes to make….OH OH and I always always use Capellini..or angel hair pasta instead of regular spaghetti, it’s not as heavy…ok so then when you’re done you get this
and while you’re cooking it you get this
Duchess is corrupting Cocoa…..I do not feed dogs spaghetti… no matter how much they beg….there I posted my first recipe!!!
Have you tried these glade candles…they make the whole house smell yummy and they are pretty cheap too….
this morning I made this layout can you feel the snow?
This is my own sketch and I used Scenic Route pattern paper, bazzill cardstock, doodlebug stickers, and bazzill chipboard letters…glitter on the letters..the picture makes them look kind of pink..but in the light they are more irridescent….I used my xyron pcs to cut the snowflake in cardstock and acetate….
We’re all looking forward to movie night tonight, celebrating Landon’s birthday with pizza and watching Transformers…I wish I didn’t have to go to this meeting for work, but that’s ok hopefully it won’t go too late…
That’s all for now, thanks for stopping by and please leave a comment and enter my contest…!!
Take care
Posted by
1:45 PM
Monday, October 15, 2007
Run don't Walk
To your local Target 1$ section for all this great stuff right here
Chipboard letters, adhesive felt shapes, ribbon, epoxy letter stickers….what a deal!!!
I am typing this for the second time since the system apparently ate my first post..grrrrrr..
so after my shopping high at target I finally, finally got my ETSY up and running with a few things for sale including this so super stinkin cute mini album kit using products from 7gypsies….love love love their stuff…here’s some pics
I only have two available, they are $10 and include enough stuff that you’ll have plenty of scraps to play with too!! I’ve also been busy making cards…
I’m all about cute and simple.. for halloween…and hopefully will have more stuff created to sell on the store by later this week…
I love free stuff, don’t you?!! of course you do, everyone does…so to celebrate opening up my ETSY store and hopefully my very soon first sale of my own art creation…I’m going to give a free gift to someone who answers this question…ready?
What is your all time favorite movie?…. post me a comment..and I will draw a name…(hopefully more than one person will post) on Thursday at 9pm Central time and post the winner here!… Ready Set Go!!!
On the family front…well Landon turns 9 tomorrow..and we’re planning a movie night, Tranformers and a sleepover this weekend. Cocoa is doing great and I’ll be taking her to get her shots here in a few minutes…The boys have both been doing a really good job of being responsible for their new puppy even cleaning up the poopy messes so yesterday we went to the comic book store to reward them…That’s about it!!
Take care
Posted by
1:43 PM
Thursday, October 11, 2007
just a lot going on and unfortunately I got behind in everything including my journal…here are the final 8 pages…I’m so happy to be done and this has been such a great experience for me…thanks Rhonna for the inspiration!!
no they aren’t the greatest, I was much more creative at the begginning, but I am happy to have completed it…
What’s been going on…well first we had a death in our Air Force family which hit Rob pretty hard, and the people he works with..they’re doing better now…but healing takes time and that’s really all I can say… we’re ok
…we also went to Ohio to see my family and
this little guy right here our new Godson and yes my great nephew tyler…I’m only 33…it’s a long story…we also spent time here at my dad’s restraunt…ok I’ve never had a philly in actual philidelphia, but no matter where I go nobody has as good as a steak philly as they do at my dad’s…Ferraro’s Restraunt, Canton Ohio…yes I’m a little biased but for real you’ve got to try one…we also came back home with this little girl right here
her name is Cocoa, Landon named her, his birthday is next week…I forgot how much work it is, almost like having another baby…well I didn’t have the baby but she is one so there you go…she is a poop machine…anyway will you just look at that face? When my nephew brought one to my mom’s I knew we were sunk…there were only 3 in the litter and they all went to family members… My sister gave her to us…she’s always bred registered dogs and she’s trying to get started with that new kennel club that does designer dogs…Cocoa is a Ratapuggle…rat terrier/beagle/pug mix…and I can tell already she’s going to be a holy terror…but she is so stinkin cute and so far our other dog Duchess seems to like her she’s fixed so she’s kind of acting like a mama…
what else ok well I had divine plans for my day off today to do some creating…but instead I ended up doing this apparently my boys grew about an 4 inches and gained 10 lbs overnight because this morning…our first really cool morning of the year…I discovered to my utter horror that no one has any pants that fit…thus began my purging of the dressers and closets which will be making a trip somewhere as a donation…I had no idea they had so much stuff that didn’t fit them anymore…so then of course..what’s a girl to do but head to Target to buy new pants/jeans/ and socks because the sock monster has also eaten one of each pair of socks we own….
so right now all I want to do is this while watching Grey’s Anatomy which comes on in 7 minutes…
my goal is to be better about posting these next few weeks
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1:38 PM