I did manage to get a little bit done today after getting back from our trip besides the laundry, which was waaaay out of control since I had to work on Saturday and we left on Sunday morning...and homework and well you know the drill...*sigh*
but I got my Deck of Me card done...not so great...I know my creative mojo just wasn't really flowing today..must be because it's been like 5 days since I've had a Crackalatte...
I also did a layout based on Creative Prompt #32...again...I like the flow of this mostly because of the photos, but very simple...and mojoless...
I have a lot to do in the weeks ahead and right now if I look too far forward, it's gets a little overwhelming...in a good, happy, exciting way, but still a bit daunting...
Tomorrow I am meeting with the Manager of my LSS Anne to drop off my flyer for the Fiskars Demo I have scheduled there on March 8th, more info to follow...I need to prepare the make n take, advertise, and make RAC's for everyone who participates..I'm aiming for about 100...
This meeting will take place after work which I have to get up for at 4am....LOL...but the coolest thing is she seems really interested in having me pick up some classes as well, so I hope to set the first one up when I see her tomorrow...
I am also trying really hard to get a bunch of work done for a local craft fair that a friend of mine has a table at to see if I have any luck...anyone have any suggestions for things to make? I'm looking for cute and easy...This is what will be keeping me very busy Wednesday and Friday...but I also have to get Cocoa to the vet to get her shots updated and we have to get Britain's Science Project done before Friday...On Saturday we're going to Peoria for the rest of the weekend so I can attend Fiskars demonstrator training....We thought we'd make a weekend of it so cool of Rob to support me in this...typically we're not such globetrotters LOL, I can't remember the last time we went anywhere...but the Rend Lake thing well, like I said it was free and had to be used up...
I am very seriously considering going back to school to be a Medical Transciptionist so that I can work from home...I've checked out several programs just have to decide to take the plunge...why is it so hard to take a leap like that? Right now, with Rob's career where it is, it is so hard for me to work because I just can't depend on him to be available when I'm at work for the kids...(if you're a military wife you can totally relate I'm sure) and as a nurse I can't just simply say "sorry gotta go the school just called"....so even though I'm only there 3 days a week, it still manages to cause problems....and I know my boys are getting older, but I just can't bring myself to let them walk into an empty house....I'm probably nuts....
anyway I am so rambling on and I really have to go to bed...I will catch up with everyones blogs tomorrow ...
MWAH!! big fat kisses to everyone and thanks for stopping by!!
1. my big warm bed with clean sheets....
2. this place to vent my thoughts, worries, frustrations
3. my sweet boys...all 3 of them
4. good friends who dog sat for us last night
5. love
i am glad you had a nice weekend! you are so creative. whenever i try to scrapbook i spend way too much time trying to think of what to do.
best of luck if you decide to make a career change. it is so hard trying to balance motherhood with a career. i am at home for the same reasons. while my husband works insane hours as a police officer, i felt the need to be home. i would love to work a bit from home.
take care and have a great week!
Wow! Just reading this post is making me tired...you get so much done. It's just amazing and I don't see that your mojo isn't working for you...great work!
That getaway looks wonderful even if the weather didn't cooperate. smiles...
I feel for you! And I don't think you're crazy for wanting to be there when your kids get home. I'm that way too. My newest plan is to become a preschool teacher (something that there is always a place for where we live) and then I will be done when the kids are done. I don't know that it will work, but I know how you feel!
I missed you (sounds crazy right? ;)
Lots going on for you! Thank God for Hubby support...makes things so much easier and having your favorite person in the world be your cheerleader is awesome.
Make some of those magnets for the craft fair...they are SO cute AND super easy!
Don't blame you for wanting to be home when your boys get home from school. They say that that part of the day for kids is so important. AND your boys actually LIKE you...seems perfect :)
Sounds like you guys had a great time. Take a deep breath. You are the one person I know who can take on all of this and still come out with energy to spare. Can I borrow some? Love you
Can you say SUPERWOMAN!!?
It is awesome that you have wonderful boys and hubby support! I hope everything works out at the LSS... Is it Scrapbook Factory? Let me know when your big debut is and I will make the trip to support you on site!
I completely understand not wanting to have the boys come home to an empty house at the end of their day... Kudos to you for considering making a career change to be there for them!
Your creative mojo is NEVER gone girl! What are you talking about? Great card and layout, AGAIN!
I agree with Dianna about making the magnets for the fair, super cute and really easy! I also think the valentine's day note cards are really cute and easy (without the embossing)... Maybe change the colors and sayings to be more generic...
Keep your chin up and take care of you!
Another weekend! You're too lucky. We just booked our house for our ONLY trip this year to Hilton Head. Hey, I should blog about that tomorrow! I like how you're such a postitive and happy person. I can learn a few things from you! Oh, and I'll let you know if I think of any ideas for you.
sounds like a busy week. Take your time over the decicion - don't rush it - wait until you have peace.
You are one busy lady and you are so creative! I started the "spring cleaning" of my house today and I thought I was overwhelmed - but you win! Take care - Kellan
Good luck with everything. I am just tired after reading all that. I am trying to decide what I want to do in April when I am unemployed. I really hate it because I do love what I do. Hope your LLS class goes well.
Hi Amy,
I have an idea for a quick RAK for those you demo the Fiskar Tools for. You will receive it on Sunday during the training. Wanting to complete 100 of any RAK is really, really pushing it. Do you really think you will have 100 people show up?
i'm rethinking nursing too. but at least my job is flexible. i'm just over it.
i wish i was better at saving money too. however i am really good at spending it!
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