Well, maybe not really...but it was really cool to go to my LSS today and see my layouts displayed around the store...but what I also saw was that I should have double matted, something about them being up on a wall like that, makes them look like they need to "pop" more...and I know I looked like a total dork walking around the LSS taking pictures, but I'm just so excited about it!!
I was off today but had to take my car in to get the tires rotated and oil changed which took about 2 hours...the car place happens to be located in a shopping center where there is a Michael's and a Target...so I just don't know what I was expected to do with my car being held hostage by the tire guys but go shopping and buy a bunch of stuff I don't need
and I feel like after all the that required my brain to be willfully engaged today, it is just not firing on all cylinders so I will close here and be back tomorrow, hopefully with something more fun and interesting to tell/show you...
I have to work tomorrow, so by Wed I'll probably be losing my mind with the need to make stuff...
Today I'm grateful for:
1. Superbowl leftovers, because I didn't have to make dinner
2. getting my car done
3. getting the taxes done
4. getting the laundry done
5. seeing my layouts up at The Scrapbook Factory..(so cool)
Thanks for stopping by!
congrats for your display. i would love to scrapbook with you. maybe i would learn a thing or two! i like your layouts.
sounds like you had a nice little shopping spree for yourself.
have a great night.
Toot that horn loudly!! Very cool to have your work on display, and I think it's perfectly fine to snap photos of them, and if anyone asked you what you are doing, just tell them you're from the local newspaper, and you were snapping photos of a famous scrapbooker. {smile}
Love your shopping goodies, and that would be exactly what I would do when my vehicle is being worked one. Great minds think alike.
1. No leftover wings for me. The kids finished them off.
2. My car needs a new belt and it's leaking something.
3. Taxes aren't done, and I want the money!
4. Laundry not done.
5. Me no creative!
I think you're in pretty good shape!
How awesome is that to see your work "in lights"!!! That deserves a bit of a splurge! Congrats, girly!!! smiles...
Wow, displaying your lay outs...
Next, you'll be posting your thoughts online for the world to see ;)
Congrats Chicka*!*
whooooo hoooo you are a talented dork. Well done on getting your work on display in your lls and best of all for tooting your horn. Well done your no dork at all. Blow your own trumpet because that is awesome!!!! whoo hooo. We can say we knew you when...... lol. Now I think you need a photo of you standing near your layouts and pointing to them.......love your scrapping goodies.
I love it! That's still so awesome that you're on the DT!
And I know I started early on the challenge, but I had to move while I was inspired. I'll "start" with the rest of you and only count the miles I walk from then for your challenge. Thanks so much for the inspiration!
Amy--congrats on having your layouts on display. I would have been taking pictures too!
Hey, I got two of the same Studio G Stamps set last week at Michaels last week--the pretty princess and the call me/chat one. LOL Love those $1 sets!!!!
Have a great day!
Ooohhh Amy!!! I am sooo happy for you! Your layouts look GREAT! I actually have not been to The Scrapbook Factory and such a long time that I might just have to make a trip to get an up close and personal view!
How awesome is it that you just happened to have your car being worked on with a Michaels in walking distance?! Great choice!
Congrats! How totally cool to see your work on display!! That's just the neatest thing!! I would have taken pictures too! I'm a dork like that too then. :)
I hit a nearby Target last night too... Scrappacks were down to just $6.98!! I couldn't resist. I did narrow it down to just two... but I will probably go back for more. Oh, and I snagged an Autumn Leaves baby stamp for just $1.38. Most of my friends are expecting, I thought it would come in handy! :)
Yay! Good for you ... very well done. x
happy for you - great to have your work on display like that. Looks like you bough some nice bits & pieces too!
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