ELIZABETH!! That's you...mail me your address for some scrappy goodness!!!
We're having some friends over for Superbowl pretty soon so I wanted to make sure I got it up. I will have a new project up on Friday so please stop back by for some scrappy fun....!
I can't believe all the LOVE SPREADIN' going around with this award...

and this one too.....

Thanks so much Kelly!! I am so honored! and I love all the love! I've given these awards out to almost everyone I read a few times already, so I would like to invite anyone who stops by to award yourself these awards...butalso please leave me a comment so I can stop by and see you!!
I also was tagged a little while ago by Leslie
with an archive meme...basically it's that you link up your favorite 5 past posts so your new readers can get to know you a little better...
here are mine...
I'm Baaack because of the book tag and my first award...(love books, love awards..:-))
Radio Cowbell because it's a glimpse at my very nutty humor...
I'm going to tag
Stephanie (Crockpot because I want to see which recipies were here favorites)
and I think that's about it for today...
I am grateful for
1. being off today and tomorrow
2. getting to have some friends over got to go get ready for everyone...hope you all have a fun night and hope to "see" you tomorrow!
3. My new table and chairs, I'll have to show you a picture I got the deal of the century!
4. Superbowl food
5. A House Full
Thanks for stopping by!
deal of the century?? sounds interesting. Have fun watching superbowl.
hey amy-
do you know which elizabeth it was?? i comment regulary, but I don't know if i'm the winner :D
I love the cowbell one! I showed it to my husband and he laughed, and he's usually not a laugher! Of course I also loved the one of your son's video!
That's a good idea. I didn't have any idea who to tag, but tag anyone who stops by! Very good plan!
Radio Cowbell was one of my favs of your posts too:).
Oh, and for your walk across America challenge, I forgot to mention that I'll be walking across Europe.
And sorry, I'm the one who deleted the comment because I accidentally posted as my husband:)
thanks, Amy! I can do 5, no problem
Most Easiest (ha, take that highschool english)
Lazy Chicken
Best Reader Recipe
Chinese Lemon Chicken
Best "Restaurant Food" Recipe
CrockPot Cioppino
Best Potluck Take-a-long
Company's Coming Potato AuGratin
Best Dessert Thus Far
Rice Krispies Treats
Very fun, thank you!
Hi Amy--I just didn't get to the countdown project this week. Congrats to Elizabeth!!!
Congratulations on the great awards!! And, thanks for thinking of me for this meme. Have a good afternoon - see you later. Kellan
did you mention at one time that you never got tagged? Look at you know! Whoa Momma!! tagarama happening here...lol I will complete my mission soon...
Oh and it's amazing when you actually read the manual of your digital camera, and find out how take a video, and then find out that it was so darn easy. LOL
What a fun tag!!! I will get on this later tonight or tomorrow! Mwah!
I love that she is sharing her favorite past posts.
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