Ricetta #2

and here is my layout based on this Ricetta
Ricetta #1:
Thanks for playing Robin could you email me your address again for a little scrappy love....
I also wanted to make a Thank you gift for my friend at work who sold me the new table/chair/hutch set because she gave me such an amazing deal, plus she even delivered it to my house while I was working....so I made her this...
This would be a 14 year old me...braces, bad perm and all...and holy caterpillars on your forehead...look at those eyebrows
and these
So...I pick up Landon from school today and on the way to get Britain (some of our most interesting conversations happen between the elementary and middle school...it's only about 2 minutes but you'd be surprised the amount of information that can be shared in such a small amount of time)
Landon: "Mom, today in class we were learning about animals, you know mammals and invertabraes and stuff"
Me: "mmm-hmmm"
Landon: "Well this girl raised her hand and asked how the mammal moms got milk for the babies"
Me:wondering where in the world this is going "yeah..."
Landon: "and Mrs H. said that the mom's bodies make the milk...and the girl said that when she was a baby her mom made the milk and she got it off her moms boobs" looking horrified
Right about now I'm picturing poor Mrs H and her class of 23 3rd graders...
Me: trying very hard to suppress a laugh "yes, that's right some babies get the milk from a store and some moms feed their babies with their breasts just like you see animal moms do"
Landon: "MOM Please tell me you DID NOT MILK ME with YOUR BOOBS!"
Me: Laughing out Loud now..."It's a perfectly natural thing to do, but no I didn't nurse you, that's what it's called "nursing"...probably a lot of your friends moms nursed them, Aunt Susie nursed your cousins it's just what some moms choose to do...neither way is right or wrong...understand....?"
Landon: looking very relieved but very confused "ok I guess, but when you "nurse" at work are you milking people? and did you milk, I mean nurse Britain?"
Me: getting out the shovel..." No, I, um...ok what I do at work is a completely different kind of nursing...like taking care of people who are sick, giving them medicine and stuff..."
Landon: "yeah, yeah I thought so ok so what about Britain?"
Me: "Well, I did start out nursing Britain but only for about a week, then I bought the milk from the store"
By this time we're pulling up to the Middle School and Britain is coming up to the car and getting in...
Landon: looking very happy with himself and very mischevious..."Brit, Hey Brit guess what?? you aren't going to believe this.." shaking his head
Britain: clueless as to all that has previously transpired kind of looks around .."huh?"
Landon:" When you were a baby..."starts laughing hysterically "when you were a baby...oh my gosh I can't believe I'm saying this....Mom used to feed you with her...her ...BOOBS!!!!" hunches over laughing...
Britain: obviously matured in his 12 years is not phased at all..."So, um, Mom ...what are we having for dinner?"
1. crockpot dinner
2. day off work to create
3. talked to my nephew today
4. got the boys homework done early
5. I rented "No Reservations" and look forward to an early night with family movie
Thanks for stopping by!
Love the layout! Very original, I will definitely scraplift this one.
You have music!!! Yeah and it sounds pretty good too...
What a funny story!!! Did you scrap this conversation? If not you need to! You asked about Copics. They are an alcohol based marker that blends easily. They are different than SU! because SU! is water based. Go on Dick Blicks web site and you can look at them there.
ok so I was laffing at that story, isn't it funny how childrens brains think. Nice photo.......I had braces during 1981 and 82. Back then braces were cool and oh the perm dont even get me started on that.....I had one too. I love the hoursw warning gift thats lovely.....nice ricetta too.
Ok...I'm wetting my pants here...and it ain't your photo sweetie (although that WAS delicious;)*!*
I swear that is one of THE funniest things I've ever heard!!!!
** "ok I guess, but when you "nurse" at work are you milking people?**
?!?!?!?MILKING PEOPLE?!?!?!
Holy *COW* (which is what you would have to be if you were in fact "milking" people)...how do you keep it together? I'm gonna laugh out loud for the next few days when I think about that one ;O
Your boys are a hoot! They just crack me up.
Love the pic at 14. You would die if you saw what I looked like at 14. So very scary. Luckily I outgrew that phase....somewhat.
OMG!!! I have been laughing all night of the conversation..I told my husband and my mom..it is PRICELESS!
Hi Amy, did you happen to enter a contest at Heather's blog Present Past Collection? She was giving away beautiful calendars and has an Amy who won and I was curious if it was you! xxoo, Dawn
Gosh! That is SO funny! I love what Landon said! And by the way, I milked, I mean nursed my babies. Also, your picture of you was so cute! Your eyebrows actually were perfect! Also, again, I tagged you for a meme.
Landon cracks me up! That story made my day!!!!! I am glad we don't milk people at work but who knows what the future may hold!!!
That was just hilarious! I wonder if my boys will freak out like that when they're older and find out that I milked - nursed - them:). Just cracking me up!
As you know, I love these chats with the kids - they are brilliant! x
Hey Lady!! I've been out super sick!! I wanted to let you know, that I did get your RAK for the V-Day countdown... Thank You!! I love it!! I had such a fun time doing the countdown with you!!
Love your layout!! Super cute!!
The housewarming gift is awesome!! I may have to lift that!!
Dig the 14 year old you! It's so fun to look back and see what you used to look like!! :)
Happy Valentines Day!!
Tell Britain thanks for letting me have a peek at the family album.
I'm STILL laughing!!!!
I used your sketch for this layout...check it out: http://mylifeexpose.blogspot.com/2008/02/saturday-crop-night-21608.html
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