Once upon a time...
There was a girl who I work with named Wendy, Wendy was getting ready to move and told Amy she had a table with a hutch she wanted to sell...elated, Amy jumped up and down and said "yes! yes! I want the table", Wendy said "but wait, Sandy might want the table", Wendy also said "I also need to find a new table" ....well Trish said " hey that's funny because I have a table that's just too small, I need a bigger table, so you can buy my table so I can buy a new table" and Wendy said "oh that is awesome! I'll come and get it" then Cathy said "hey...how big of a table do you need? we have an extra table that seats six, we don't have room for it anymore because we got a new table" and Trish said " SOLD! " and then Amy called Sandy and talked her out of wanting the table (because she's just a little bit eeevvvilllll maawaaahaahaahaahaa, and really Sandy said she didn't think the table would fit in her house anyway) and now almost everyone I work with has a "new" to them anyway...dining table...and we all lived happily ever after....and my family no longer has to eat at the coffee table in front of the tv because our kitchen table only has two chairs (which is a long story that involves several moves and my refusal to buy a new dining room set until I knew we were going to stay where we were at because I refused to let yet another moving company ruin yet another piece of my furniture)
so here are some pictures of the boys and I enjoying dinner at our "new" old dining room table which is beautiful and looks like it was meant to go in my dining/family room...Rob is missing because he had to work late...
and yes we're eating spaghetti out of paper bowls with plastic ware, and I don't have an excuse for that one...try not to judge me...
the end
I am so grateful for
1. off work tomorrow...always puts me in a happy place
2.plans to go to Peoria for Fiskars class to be a demonstrator..yay
3.dinner at a real table, not a coffee table
4. paperbowls and plastic ware means no dishes to clean
5. Rob and I are going to watch "The Brave One" tonight...love new release Tuesdays
oh and isn't this so cute...
glad you got the new table and hutch. have a nice day off tomorrow!
well I am glad that tale had a happy ending :-). What a great score that was for everyone. I had to laugh at the paper and plastic ware for dinner. I love that thought process. More so the no dishes.
Don't worry Amy I shall not judge because it is a speacial day or holliday if we use real plates at my house! I still have a lot of dishes without them somehow!! Great working with you today!!
Isn't paper bowl the other china? I swear I have heard that somewhere, and I'm pretty sure it is. It is looking pretty snazzy on that new "old" table, which doesn't look old at all. I'm just happy to hear that deal went down the way you wanted it too. I see a new layout about a special table & paper bowls coming soon.
Very nice table!!! And I love the matching hutch too!! I love when a good deal comes along like that! Cute pictures - see you soon. Kellan
Wow Amy! Great deal on the table! Good job!
My oldest son used to HATE to wear clothes (but he got over that when we moved to Poland where it is cold - but not snowy - all the time). My middle son takes his pants off everywhere...I totally know what you're talking about:).
When I was a kid we ALWAYS ate off of the cheapest paper plates so I will not judge you;).
Congrats on the new table and hutch..your story had me cracking up!!! OMG--did you steal my boston terrier to take a picture??? I had to do a double take when I saw that picture. I will have to post a picture of Winston on my blog. He curls up just like that to sleep.
Congrats on your table...I always feel so "grown up" (whatever that means) when some of my stuff matches.
As I write this, my 2yr old sweetie is running around in the buff...only way she'll potty. The mailman came to the door yesterday and I just had to smile that uncomfortable smile...just love it.
I am sooo jealous that your getting your Fiskars training! I swear I live in some sort of "dead zone" down here!
I love your new set. Great deal. More space to create. Dinners, homework, scrap projects....
Oh, the possibilities are endless.
Nice Table and hutch. Thank you so much for linking info, I think I've got it figured out!
ROFL!!! You crack me up!
Have a great day off tomorrow!
nice new furniture! i have 2 kids who refuse to wear clothes.
LOL...I like the "don't judge me" comment. It made me giggle! How come you look so awesome when your kids take a snapshot of you? I always look awful! BTW, I like the table and hutch! smiles...
How cute! I love your blog. Thanks for the comment on mine. I actually design all my templates myself. I have quite a few of them. I'm glad you like it! I'll share tips if you'd like!
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