...ooooooh my goodness....I so wish I had not followed in the steps of my bloggy friends
Christi and
Carolyn to go to Barnes and Noble to find the Artful Blogging book on Friday ....because although I'm happy with my book, can anyone go in that place and NOT go to Starbuck's...I didn't think so...and yes I love my book...but I have a new addiction...it has taken the form of the Tall Cinnamon Dolce with whipped Cream...have you tried this stuff...???? Cover your children's eyes...It is sex in a cup...it is heaven...utopia....I'm pretty sure I still hear the angels singing....I'm not kidding...and since that first once on Friday, ask me how many times I've been back to Starbuck's ...go on...4 ....4 TIMES!!! That's LIKE $20!!!! I think they must be putting crack in it or something...(disclaimer:please don't sue me Starbuck's even if you are putting crack in your Cinnamon Dolce, but I'm sure you're not, because that would be totally illegal)....So whatever you do...do not go get one, because I can not be held responsible for the sudden cravings that are sure to plague you for the rest of your natural life....oh god...I'm going to have to go get another one...
Other than my Starbuck's obsession over the weekend....and no Dianna, I have no idea how many points are in a Cinnamon Dolce (Dianna by the way is really embarrassed because her friend Kelly posted a picture of them at 17 here...I think it's adorable so I ask all of you to go by and tell her how cute she is)...
I tried to get some creating done...I've been trying to make a bunch of stuff to sell at a craft fair that a friend of mine has a booth at...I have no idea how well it will do, and honestly I'm not sure I'm going to get enough done...I'm just not very good at mass producing things..it all just takes me too long
and my work area is a complete disaster because of all the crap I've had out to make stuff...
but that's ok I work better in chaos...
I'm a bit late with this as she posted it on Thursday I think, but if you haven't heard or seen
Lisa B has posted the address on her blog to a boy who could use some scrappy love...this will take you less than 5 minutes and it's an easy way to do something nice for someone...I unloaded a buttload of CM stickers...on their way to Brian ...so go check it out...
this is getting long but too bad I want to tell you a story anyway...:-) On Saturday I took the boys to Family Video to rent a game and a movie, well our local store always plays old classics while you're browsing and being the movie buffs we are around here, sometime we get a little "involved" in the movie...they were playing "The Karate Kid" the first one and we had just finished picking out what we wanted when we got up to the counter and realized what was on ..it was like the last 15 minutes of the movie...so here we are, the boys and I, acting out the scene, d we were right in front of the store..I was the Cobra Cai Sensei, Britain was Daniel-san, Landon was Mr Miaggi ( I know I spelled it wrong)...anway the cashiers hadn't seen it before...

can you even imagine...???...
(i put this very frightening picture of me without makeup here to scare the life out of you....but look how good my eyebrows look...I have a really good eyebrow lady)
so it gets to the very end and of course we're all standing on one leg...doing the crane move...getting ready to kick Cobra Cai butt...and I turn around and realize not only do we have an audience, but a bunch of other kids have joined us and so we're all cheering doing our crane kicks...I told them they should get a few couches and a popcorn machine...I might almost have them talked into it...it was hilarious...unfortunately I couldn't hold the crane pose, my purse, movies, snacks and balance a camera so I had the boys do a dramatic recreation in the parking lot....and yes in case this hasn't proved it to you yet...we are nuts...

A couple people asked me how I like "Lipstick Jungle" unfortunately I didn't end up getting to watch it due to the shooting at the Courthouse in Kirkwood, MO...this is local news here...it's absolutely horrible what happened and my heart and prayers go out to those families and the community...
I have some catching up to do in a creative sense...so I hope to do that tomorrow...
I'm going to start walking tomorrow, I hope some of you are too...feel free to take pics and share them!!
I know I don't have a list up yet...I'm looking for a blogger template (preferably free) with 3 columns, and trying to find a new template...that's my excuse..
1. sleeping in
2. we out to eat at Smoky Bones...it was yummy
3. Cinnamon Crackalatte's from Starbuck's
4.the fact that Rob has no idea how expensive Starbuck's is
5. a relaxing day
thanks for stopping by ...!
how many cups of starbucks have you had...Oh my! B & N is a dangerous place for you, and it isn't the books. hee hee But I am glad you did find the reading material.
This family outing to the video store, is just to darn funny. I can't claim I have ever seen that performance at ours, but I do know wax on ...wax off .... Oh do the three of you have a stage name, you go by? just curious, you never know if I might run across any of your work on You Tube.
sorry you miss the "jungle" it was sad news about the shooting at the courthouse. such senseless actions.
mmm crack lattes. even my kids are starbucks junkies!
#1 ~ I was about 14...thanks a ton!
I'm gonna kick your cyber *ss!!!...
Which BY THE WAY is going to be HUGE because...
#2 ~ your little Starbucks treat is
***11 POINTS***
(hells yeah I looked it up!)
So funny~I just had a cinnamon dolce for the first time yestrday! YUM!
This post was a hoot. Lol at the starbucks and the addiction you have to thier cinammon dolce. Then I just about fell of my chair reading about your karate kid re enactment.
What a FUNNY post!! That whole Tall Cinnamon Dolce with whipped Cream - story was hysterical, as was the Karate Kid story!!! You are a hoot and I got the best laughs from this fun post. Take care and have a good week. Kellan
You are too funny!!! I love those Cinnamon dolce lattes too! Fortunately, there isn't one too close to my house, or I would be broke!!! Gotta watch Lipstick Jungle......funny, sexy, and cute! We had 5 people here shot at a clothing store not too far from my house. One of the teachers I work with knew one of the women that was killed. Sad, senseless....makes you wonder.
Cool girl got some tunes*!*
Like this layout better than the 3 columns...because my opinion SOOOO matters...
This post is just really funny! I miss Starbucks, but the weird thing is that when I go back to the States, I usually only wind up hitting Starbucks once. Yes, really, only one time per trip. No idea why...I really do like it.
LOL! I am totally cracking up with today's post,but if you have to die...Starbuck's would be my choice of a good way to go! :P
Dianna, that was just mean! Coffee should be free no matter how many points it really is! smiles...
Oooh, I'm loving the new look in here - very stylish!
I like to hear about other people's family outings - keep up the good work! x
Well I think I'm going to have to try one of those! I love going to Barnes and Noble and going there. Did you ever order the shorts? They're much cheaper, which also means less calories!
It's funny, your nice eyebrows were the first thing I noticed, before I even read what you wrote!
I have the exact same addiction to diet coke with cranberry from Sonic, especially since they have "happy hour" from 2 to 4 every day, making a route 44 size (what is that 2 liters?) only $1.09. I just can't drive past that deal! It is right about the time I get out of work every day too..
OMG!!! Thank goodness I am not the only one addicted to Starbucks! They actually know me by name there... And now they are opening a new starbucks just 5 minutes from our home... The other starbucks is 20 minutes one way! Ugh! It's just not right for them to steal my money like that!
Barnes & Noble is one of my favorite places to visit, next to Target of course! I was bummed when they put the Starbucks in there because now I can't just run in get a book and leave... NOOO! I have to run in, get a latte, hang out for a bit and buy more books than I went there for!
Your Karate Kid story was a hoot! Thanks for the laugh!
Your eyebrows look awesome BTW!
Sorry had to delete my earlier comment. Dianna about had a coronary that I linked to a pic of her and I from St Louis in November. Will someone tell her she is absolutely beautiful and we want to see her smiling face??
I'm craving some Starbucks, caffeine, anything right now. I'm at work and had a rough start to my day. I shouldn't even be online. Shhhh! ;)
I am one of the few that can go in to Barnes and Noble and not go to Starbucks..LOL But I spent way too much money on books..went in there for one book, Journal Revolution and came out with Real Women Scrap and the first book by the authors of Journal Revolution. Your weekend tales cracked me up and so did Dianna's picture!!!
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