Here are my LOAD layouts for Days 11 and 12
Day 11 was inspired by Christi's Creative Prompt #21
Day 12 was inspired by Valerie's Sketch #43
apparently I have some kind of obsession with hemp lately, I've been using it on almost every page...must be because it's in front of me...
and here is my card #2 for the Deck of Me challenge...
Wow...Christi gave me a couple little somethings at her blog yesterday
First this:
The first was posted by arlsmom aka Lynda:
It's a You Made My Day is how it works:"Give the award to up to 10 people whose blogs bring you happiness and inspiration and make you feel so happy about blogland! Let them know by posting a comment on their blog so that they can pass it on. Beware! You may get the award several times!"
and then this one too!!
The second was posted by Alison Gibbs and is a Spread the Love award

and all I can say is Thank you so so much! I feel so special!!
So I am going to follow suit and spread bloggy love giving both of these award to the following people:
Lain at Scraphappy
Maria mommy of 4
I was tagged by Maria for this
*1. One book that changed my life: Simple Abundance by Sarah Ban Breanach there's a lot to take away from this book but the one thing that has been life changing for me is taking stock of your gratitude
*2. One book that you have read more than once: Mr. Perfect by Linda Howard - the lead heroine in this book is such a smart ass...and hilarious...I love it
*3. One book that you want on a desert island: Raft building for dummies?...LOL
*4. One book that made me laugh: Size 12 is not Fat by Meg Cabot, there's a sequel here too but I haven't gotten my hands on it yet...
*5. One book that made me cry: My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Piccoult...I was actually all out sobbing by the end of this book....
*6. One book I wish had been written: What happens after Return of the Jedi? I hate it when any series ends, I need to know what happens next...
*7. One book I wish had not been written: 1001 Cookie's what contributed to my need for weight watchers
*8. One book I am currently reading: The Ice Queen by Alice Hoffman
*9. One book I've been meaning to read: I have a list, it's getting pretty big...but next on my list is Peace Like a River by Leif Enger for Lain's book club
What are you reading?
I'm tagging
and Lain
That's all I've got tonight!
Thanks for stopping by!
These are gorgeous, Amy! I really love the way that you did the detail embellishment down at the bottom of the first layout!!!
I will do the tag, but it may take me a week or two as I am crazy-busy with projects right now...
Love those scrappy pages!
I really like your quote. I've completed my goal card and a cover card. I'm also doing my own challenge of a weight loss deck of cards. You can see both on my blog.
Thank's for the award Amy! Now I'm happy!
thank you for the "love", that's so sweet of you to think of me. I have also did the "tag". Gosh I'm on a roll today, a tag & my deck of me challenge cards done. Sometimes I shock myself. LOL
Way to keep up with the "lain" layouts, and a awesome job on the quote. Abe had some good stuff. I betcha he didn't know it would be used in crafting. hee hee
Love your pages, congrats on the tag :)
Arg too much with the Load challenge I haven't done the feb challenge or the deck of me! oh well I'll get to it later. I got to go to Wallgreens and eat something :)
I read this post the other day, but I didn't blow up your page and read your journaling. This one made me tear up too 'cause I can relate.
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