I don't know how long this is going to work because we seem to be in the middle of a blizzard here and our power keeps flickering....
and just now I'm realizing I didn't really give it a title...hmmm
I've been so crazy busy with my trip and everything that I didn't get to post this until now... from my friend Dianna ...I like this award because for starters it the the first one anyone ever gave me..."YOU LIKE ME YOU REALLY LIKE ME!!" and when I gave it to Dianna she gave it back....I'm all about spreading the love....The award is for spreading love, support, and blogginess to those people and blogs that make you happy and in turn, make others want to spread some of that good stuff around too*!* You are to then go to leave them a comment letting them know that you left them a little tid bit on your blog. When you send it out~you could get it back more than once! (if you're just that awesome)...
and then Maria, threw me some bloggy love as well with this...
The rules:By accepting this Excellent Blog Award, you have to award it to 10 more people whose blogs you find Excellent Award worthy. You can give it to as many people as you want-even those that have received it already, but please award at least 10 people.
so I have some friends I'd like to share both of these with...
Leslie (because she seemed to miss it the first time)
Stephanie (the crockpot Lady...because there is soooo much to love about her)
Michele (wait until you see this woman's cardtastic talents)
Dianna (because love spreading goes both ways)
Christi (of course)
Carolyn (I think she's so cool)
and my sister in spirit Stephanie who left me to live on an island in Japan and hardly ever blogs but I really really miss you!!!.
It's so nice to be able to do this, because work was really, well, crappy today...
I did weigh myself expecting that I had probably gained every last of the 6 pounds I lost since 1 Jan after the weekend but...I didn't!! I've kind of maintained but I've lost 1 more...so I am now at 131...which isn't too terrible...only 11 more to go!!
let's play a little game that Lain started the other day called "tag! what are you doing right now?"
right now Cocoa my very small but thinks she's a total badass puppy is standing at the door growling at...the weather... and she really is all fired up about it
right now American Idol is on while I sit here talking to you drinking hot tea with just a little bit of organic skim milk....and real sugar...shhhhh...and if you haven't tried organic milk by the way, the taste is incredible it's worth the extra dollar and I'm not really a milk person...plus it lasts like forever...go figure that when the take out all the additives, perservatives, hormones, etc, etc it actually stays fresh longer....
right now my boys are upstairs playing xbox live waiting for Rob to finish watching the news so we can play Buzz (for PS2) this is a really fun family game by the way...
What R U doing right now???
2 more days of the LOAD! Here's Todays!
Grateful for:
1. I got to take an hour nap after I picked up the kids today, I have a sore throat and I didn't sleep last night....I really love naps...
2. hot tea
3. frosted mini wheats
4. wonderful smelling candles
5. the two really sweet awards I recieved...thanks guys!!
Thanks for stopping by!
ack! I hear you on the weight thing... this might be the year steph uses the crockpot everyday and gains 30 pounds, ugh.
keep at it. it will go away... gotta keep moving and all that stuff...
thank you for this very cool honor!
I appreciate the love.
I just love reading your blog. I like hearing about what you're doing, kinda funny. So right now I'm sharing the computer with my daughter. She's planning on what movie to see this weekend. Any ideas? Also, would you believe my hot tea is in the micro? I use 1/2 teaspoon sugar and sometimes a slice of lemon. I just got my Grisham book so I'm eager to go to bed to read!
Thanks so much! I very much appreciate the honor:). Now, I only have to think long and hard about who to give it to.
And when I scanned in my LOs last night, I realized that they really have no titles too, so you're not the only one;)
it's so nice to read your blog! i am a tea drinker too, but not in the morning. it's coffee only in the am for me! right now i drinking my coffee and catching up on some blogs. i just got the kids off to school. hope you have a great day!
Congratulations on the two great awards - very cool!! Have a great day Amy - see you soon. Kellan
{blushing here} thank you for the sweet words and the award. I feel so honor to have crossed paths with you (thanks Christi) shoot your blog makes me happy and I think your pretty cool too! Oh and wait, you may get tagged really soon. wink
Thank you so much!!!! I am so glad to have met you! Hugs!
Thanks for spreading the love..I love watching American Idol too!
I just realized that I never commented on this post...I am sorry for that. Thank you!!! I am so thrilled that I discovered your blog because it always leaves me with a smile! smiles...
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