today I am hugely, immensely, amazingly grateful for:
No one being hurt in the house fire next door last night (see below)
the kids going back to school
Having the strength to work a full day on no sleep
Tyson Chicken Nuggets (which made the job of dinner for the kids a no brainer)
Jen McGuire (not the famous one LOL) for taking over Lain's 30 minute Thursdays for the month
About Last Night....Our next door neighbor's house caught on fire! Everyone is ok, even their doggies and cat, but wow how scary. It happened at about 10:30pm and can I just say how awesome firemen are? Our fire departments in this area are primarily volunteers. Their response time, and their care for this family was awesome. Anyway, because we're the closest neighbor, we harbored everyone while the fire department was doing their thing. So all of us are a little, ok a lot sleepy. It's 5:45pm and I haven't been to bed yet because I had to go straight to work when everyone left this morning. So if this post is all over the place it's because the committee that lives in my brain clocked out about 8 hours ago. Anyways, the damage is bad but at least contained to one large area, they still have power...but will probably be in a hotel for a few days. A minor inconvenience when you consider how bad things could have been, so thank God for everyone getting out ok.
There's really nothing I can follow that with so how about a picture of my layout for
Day 3 of Lain's LOAD Challenge at BPS.
This is the first time I've ever done a layout without pictures. Since I've been a member of, I've been trying to make a list of all the books I want to read. It's getting really big, I might have to quit my job and become a professional reader... Who knew there would be so much out there I'd be interested in? I'm kind of a read in my comfort zone kind of girl at times, so it's fun to try different genres out there....
I work tomorrow, but then am off for the weekend so I hope to get caught up on some of the other challenges I want to work on.... because it makes me happy...
oh and in case anyone is wondering...I am still starving, but water is starting to taste good, so I guess that's something.
Thanks for stopping by!
Last summer a house a few block away, right down the street from our friends, burned to the ground. No one was home luckily. A couple weeks later our back door neighbor's house also burned to the ground. They weren't home either. The second time around was really scary. It could happen to anyone. Glad your neighbors weren't hurt.
Put some lemon in your water and put it in a fancy glass. Tastes better!
Hey I agree Firemen are GREAT!!! I guess I favor them since my husband is one!!! My dad is going to help fix the damage. So if you see a short, stout, completely white hair dude next door it's my dad!! The hunger will go away! They make great cookie 100 cal packs to help with the chocolate cravings also!!! Love ya:)I also finally tagged you!
Back to the grind for my little one too...on a Friday! Makes no sense to me.
Glad to hear everyone is alright.
Glad the fire wasn't feeling neighborly too~yikes!
I've lost 10 lbs since Sept. by just tripling my water kidding. But water GAGS(!!!!) me so I use those Crystal Light drop ins that you pour into a 17-20oz water bottle (it still counts as water) and boy can I down the stuff now! Oh yeah...and I drink a TON of coffee too...mmmm yum.
I'm starting A Deck of Me group w/ some friends~wanna join? (as if you don't already have enough going on!) I'll even mail you a fresh deck of cards-I kid you not...
Get some zzzz's lady! :)
I love this cool!! smiles...
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