First my gratitude of the day...
First I'm thankful for a nice day at work
then, it was really cool that when we all went to get haircuts today, we didn't have to wait at all our "super swank" grocery store where I had to stop to pick up a few things and usually get trapped into spending way more money then I want to because they have all those really cool yummy special things...lots of organic and diet, health friendly stuff was on sale for way good deals and I feel like my money was well spent
4. Lain at Scraphappy is going to let me host/sponsor her Monday Challenges for the next few weeks while she is busy with her LOAD at BPS and I'm so honored and excited..stay tuned for details...Project up on Monday!!!
and 5..
I've been scrapping for the past few hours, I've even had some company
I'll have to share some pages from his scrapbook sometime soon, they are tcfw...
Next I (FINALLY) got tagged for the 7 Random Things about me thingie that's been going around forever...I mean I was begginning to feel like no one cared to hear about my 7 random facts and was ready to just beg someone to tag me....but my friend Leslie came oh wait a minute.............Dirks Bentley is on my MP3 telling me to "come a little closer, baby " and he's making me lose my train of thought...I need a moment................................ok sorry here they are...
1. I was in the Air Force for just short of 4 years. ( I got out a little early on a maternity discharge by choice) I never went anywhere but where I was stationed which was Luke AFB, AZ. My job was basically secretarial and it's where I met my husband, Rob. Yes, he outranked me, (he's ten years older), no I wasn't his :-)
2. I have a small tattoo just below my right shoulder which is the Japanese symbol that means "to be different". However, I got the tattoo in Biloxi, MS and often joke that there was no one Japanese in the tattoo shop so for all I know I could be walking around with "kick me" tattooed on my shoulder. I also really want another one, but I have a commitment problem with what exactly I want.
3. If I could go back in time and meet someone it would be Abe Lincoln. I would just want to sit down and have a cup of coffee with him and talk about what he would think of the state of the world today. I'd also tell him I think he's sooo cool and that it sucks that no one appreciated what he did until long after he was gone. I have this fascination with him since we've lived here in Illinois, because there's just so much history here. We went to Springfield to visit the museum and the Library. A lot of the documents he actually wrote are there. When we visited his home, the only thing they let you touch is the stairwell bannister....and I swore it gave me chills to put my hand on something he touched. It was like touching history....Who would you want to meet...??
4. I am originally from Canton, Ohio- I have lived in Biloxi, MS; Phoenix, AZ; San Antonio, Tx; Panama City, FL; and now Belleville, IL...and I have considered all of them "home".
5. When it comes to food, real food not like scary fear factor stuff, I will try almost anything. I love trying new foods from different countries and all the different flavors they represent. The bad thing about this is, that my taste buds are not that discerning because I like most things I try.
6. I live in a constant state of organized chaos. I am always just about one cup of coffee shy of being elected the mayor of Crazyopolis. On the surface, I think people look and think I'm organized, but I can never seem to be organized in more than one area of my life at a time. I constantly add things to my plate so I seem more organized to myself.
7. I am fascinated with the paranormal. I know some, ok most of it is probably hoaxy. But I really love some of those Haunting shows on TV right now, and that Lisa I can't think of her name right now but she has her own show on Fridays on Lifetime she talks to people who have passed....I think she might be for real. It's just so interesting to me, whether or not you believe it. When I worked as a Hospice nurse so many of us nurses, (because we dealt so much with people in their final moments) had experiences that spoke to the afterlife, and what I guess we would perceive as angels and their connections to us, that I just can't discount the possibility of their existence.
I'm tagging Diana, Carolyn, Kylie, Maria, and Stephanie (Steph you better read your blog)
told ya this would be long
so here is my layout for Day 4 of the LOAD which did double duty as Lain's 30 minute Thursday challenge being hosted in January by Jen
The Challenge was to use a themed paper for other than it's theme. I used Christmas paper for a layout about our trip to the Anheuser-Busch Brewery, and confirmed to myself once again that I suck at using rub ons...I am apparently rub on impaired. They never do what I want them to. and I have too many so when I host the Monday projects, I'll be giving some away.
Here is Pencil Lines Sketch #64
and finally Christi's Creative Prompt #19
I'm sure by now you've had enough Amy for one day...hope you have a nice night!
Friday, January 4, 2008
This is probably going to be too long...
Posted by
10:54 PM
Labels: Gratitude, papercrafting, Random Facts, scrapbooking
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Hey I enjoyed reading yours random facts. Thanks for the tag. I just did it not too long ago, but I'll try to think of 7 more, not very interesting facts about me.
The paranormal? That's fun--great random facts and way to look for the positive in your little bits of gratitude.
Girl, it may be organized chaos, but wow! You get tons done!!! Love it all!!! smiles...
Girl, you are just too wierd....
I don't want to be your blog friend anymore.
tee hee just kidding~
I'm way wierder than you!
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