Do you remember that skit from SNL? I'm a huge Will Ferrell fan and this one always makes me laugh so hard!
There is a point here...our "Deck of Me" (Hosted by Dianna, her link is also over there to your right)... prompt this week was to make a card that sums up where you need some extra "spice" in your life...I couldn't help it for some reason it made me think "MORE COWBELL" so here is my card
Well I liked this idea so much that I made a 12x12 layout too for LOAD day 16!!
which is a culmination of how frustrated I get shopping for clothes...especially when like this week I have another one of those Air Force Formal Events to go to and I can't find anything to wear...and there are no words to describe my lack of taste for panty hose...If I could get my hands on the guy who ever thought THAT was a great idea....
Britain did not get into the drama club, he's good though, I thought he'd be more disappointed. They had like 50 people try out though and they only picked 8, I'm trying to figure out how that's a club, (my mama bear instincts all indignant here), but he's ok with it so I have to let it go...LOL...
Quite a while ago, I became a Fiskateer, there aren't really any requirements, you just go to the site and sign up. I quite honestly haven't had a lot of time to devote to figuring out the gallery and playing on the message boards, but it is on my list. Probably after I get done with LOAD. I also want to get their certified training so I can go offer to teach classes at my LSS, but haven't found one of the "Nifty Fifty" yet close enough....ANYWAY that was a really long way to say this...look at this cool box I got from them today!
That's all I've got. Thanks for stopping by!
I am sorry to hear that your son didn't make it, but I am glad he is taking it well. I ADORE that LO!!! I loved that skit! My wardrobe could use some cowbell too!
LOVE the more cowbell! That's hilarious:).
Sorry Britain didn't make the drama club. And yeah, how does 8 make a "club"?
I've never heard such a thing as a Fiskateer!! How fun!!
Love the old SNL skits... I must be a week behind on my Deck of Me... because I thought this week was quote week. Hmmm. :)
LOL! Too funny about the panty hose! I agree with you on that one! You can always do what I do for our formal events - knee highs and a long dress! Let me know if you want to borrow one of mine! I only get one wear out of each one per assignment! I like your site by the way! Keep up the great posts!!
You are styling with those new scissors! Love the colored handles on them.
You know cowbells? Love that skit! And, I really love that you put it on your card this week. Also looks great on a layout. Oh and there's nothing wrong with jeans & tee's, of course it's hoodies & jean season here now. LOL I love comfy! Oh and the rub on details are posted on the blog now.
I liked your card and I need more cowbells in my closet! You are to funny! Have fun Friday! Be a rebel and don't wear panty hose! I never will where them again doesn't matter how fancy the event I will do without!!!!
Good morning, Amy!!! I just finally found some time to go blog-hopping and begin to catch up...I've missed your fun posts. And, Wow, Girl! You have been creating some gorgeous layouts! LOVE those blocks!!! Love the cowbell...I think that all mom's need more cowbell! Good luck with the formal! smiles...
Sorry for Brit! Want me to go beat em up for ya?
Funny thing about that skit. John and I love to go to youtube and watch that one. Another great idea for the layout.
Call me!!!
I am fiskateer too! I received my scissors too. I am #2953. You should really check it out. Last weekend they had a online crop and lots of prizes. I actually won a couple! I received one of my prizes today--a block squeeze punch and tape runner.
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